It'll be alright... until quite late at night.

Curiosity is an unbearable thing. It began with an innocent enough question on Twitter about 'It'll Be Alright On The Night'... The source of that mystery, an incongruous apology aired ahead of It'll Be Alright On The Night 7, where TV's Denis Norden sweetly apologised that the wrong programme had aired last week, and that this week's was indeed the new one. Curious. A mystery, to be sure. But not something which stirred any memories, and not something which I could help with. But lurking in the YouTube suggestions, screen right, was something I did remember a little better: I do remember that, although I'm not sure I remember it being shown in December 1987. Alright 5 was one of the first things I recorded on my first video recorder, and I didn't own one of those until the middle of 1988. But let's not quibble about dates just yet. Instead, I played the YouTube video. Which just led to more questions. Firstly, the video seems t...